Monday, September 15, 2014


I've started this blog, one of many attempts over the years, because I have found myself repeating over and over "I wish I were able to write a blog like this". I started an ill-fated blog about my efforts to become a runner. I started an even more unsuccessful blog to chronicle my time in South Korea. Well, now's the time to try again.

I've spent the past few months obsessively reading Peace Corps blogs. I wanted to know everything about their experiences. How did they navigate the process of applying? What happened after they received their invitations? What really went on in Pre-Service Training? What did they DO day-to-day? Hundreds of little questions. I combed out hints on how to survive, how to make the best of my time in service, and reasons why some volunteers didn't make it until the end of service. I am hoping to use their experience as a guide, and it is my hope that a future generation of Peace Corps Volunteers will stumbled across my blog and do the same.

I should mention that at this point I am only in the very early stages of the process. There is no guarantee that I will even make it overseas. There are still many road blocks to get over and hopefully I will magically become a good blogger (or even a mediocre one) and chronicle all of them.

Lets get started!

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