Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Note on the Title

It occurs to me that I should state for the record that the title of my blog, A Place in the Sun, was chosen because I like the sound. It isn't intended to be evocative of German imperialism or Weltpolitik. But it could be a good starting point for a conversation on the impact of colonialism on African nations and the struggle of many of these Africans nations to find there own so called "place in the sun" amidst the discord left over by European imperialists.

But I'll spare you the lecture.

How to Write a Blog (that doesn't totally suck)

sourced from
I have been told that that anyone can write a blog post. Teenagers can do it, old people can do it. Hell, if you are reading this you have probably done it. I'm not sure if this is even blogging. More like journaling? Either way, it doesn't come naturally to me. So I have fallen back on an old habit- research!

I love research. I love it much more than actually doing anything. But here I am putting research into practice.

My research informs me that the first step is to disregard everything you learned about writing from your college professors. So I am off to a bad start it would seem. You and I, dear reader, are supposed to be having a discussion, rather then me talking at you. We'll work on that one.

Point two- know what you are writing about. I am struggling with that one. I am supposed to have a clear idea of what my purpose is and understand who you, my audience, is. I think it is probably obvious at this point that I am writing aimlessly. I'll work on this one too.

Next you are supposed to have a catchy title and engaging intro. I imagine that I will now sit and stare at blank blog entries paralyzed by being unable to think of a clever title. Then you follow up with actual content and some kind of conclusion. Also, add a nice picture (see my nice picture?!). I've been told pictures are very important to blogs. Unfortunately this is going to be hard for me as I read blogs for content and tend to skip picture heavy posts.

I think I am missing other important elements like direction and, well, a point. Work in progress.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


After more than a month of vacation in Florida I have finally organized everything I need to get my visa for China. It was a grueling process and if it turns out to be anything like my visa process for South Korea there will be tears involved (seriously a hellish nightmare that involved a five hour midnight road trip to Tallahassee because of FL's incompetent bureaucracy). But anyway, I got my passport, photos, photocopies, my friend's residence permit, letter of invitation, application, visa agency confirmation, confirmation of payment and a dozen other things into an envelope and sent off to NY. Now I wait and hope that I don't having anything wrong/missing.

What's this about China, you might ask?

Well I can't sit on my bum here in FL until June when most programs (that I am interested in) for the Peace Corps launch. So I am heading to Shanghai for six months, where I will get to live with a fantastic BFF from college and work as a private tutor to pay for my gallivanting around China. I'm hoping I can continue to improve and expand my resume by gaining experience with teenagers (I mostly taught primary aged kids in Korea) and by volunteering with local orphanages. Also, Shanghai is cool. I am hoping to get into a nice productive routine in China since I have found it very difficult to motivate myself to do anything while here on vacation.

I will be on a plane on November 7th ideally. Actually, I don't know what happens to my plane ticket if my visa is denied...

So I have my ticket, an apartment, a job plan, and hopefully soon a visa. In the mean time I will do a last round of visitations while in the States. Things are moving right along!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Other Road

It does look increasingly like the Sierra Leone won't be up and running this year. I haven't heard any news from the Peace Corps and likely won't until the last possible minute. I know the Peace Corp is hopeful that they will be able to run the program on time but the news just seem worse and worse. It is my continued hope that I will be in Sierra Leone in June but I have been considering alternative assignments. 

My alternative choices include Botswana, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda, Swaziland, Tanzania, The Gambia, Uganda and Zambia. I am also looking at some non-teaching postings, though I suspect that classroom teaching experience is my most valuable skill. I wonder if part of the reason  am so enamored with Sierra Leone is because the PC picked it for me. The thought of making my own choice and then living with it is much more intimidating than being assigned a country.  

I am mostly leaning towards Malawi, Tanzania, Swaziland, or Zambia I think. Tanzania especially seems like a good option. The accounts I have read seem very much like Sierra Leone. It is considered one of the "hardcore" posting, mostly without running water, electricity, and sometimes paved roads but the PC staff seems great and the people of Tanzania seem warm and welcoming. 

Most of my opinions are based on PCVs' blogs, so I do worry that I just happened to run across some awesome blogs and that I should be taking more into account. I suppose I will cross that river when I get to it! It's frustrating to know that I won't get an official invite for months, and won't depart for months after that (if I make it through medical clearance).