So I have undone all of my previous packing. In a rather last minute decision I ended up with more stuff to pack. While visiting Seattle I went to a board game cafe to try out some educational games that I thought might work for my kids in Comoros. I ended up picking up four games.
Story Cubes and Tell Tale, as you can probably guess, are story telling games. Applelettes and Last Letter are word games. Even if the students can't play the exact game I figure I can still use them in my own games. And I also imagine that they have never had the opportunity to play these kinds of games in their classes, so I hope it will incite more interest.
I also received my first care package! It contains pictures of my friends, family, and cat. There are also little clips to hang pictures from a line pinned to the wall. I also received a lovely journal, some cards, and a fancy soap that won't melt in the tropical heat.
I also picked up some random stuff- a lamp, sharpies, luggage locks, and so on. In the end I dumped my previously packed hiking bag out and now it looks like this:
I'll have to start from square one. Four days to go and I'm moving backwards!